Jun 29Liked by Tuco's Child

Women need to stop voting for the party intent on destroying them.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

Distilled to the essence ! Great comment.

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Jun 29Liked by Tuco's Child

It is a comforting feeling that someone should want to protect us women as a whole. Though we may be weaker physically than men, I think so many are mentally stronger than men! My father always said that my mother was stronger. Most men I know whose wives have died find a new partner quickly, they don't want to be alone, while most women I know remain single, including myself. Is that strength, or we just don't want to put up with the wrong man!!?

Who really needs protection are our children. They need protection and education to learn to discern for themselves. Critical thinking is missing, a weaker person can always out think a stronger person, they just have to have the skills to do so. (David and Goliath)

Our children are in need of protection through better education, parental guidance, and better interaction which actually means parents spending time with their kids, not staring into a cell phone 90% of the day!

Kids have never known who they are, or what they should be, puberty is a tough time. They need to find that guidance from their parents, from their church, from anything but a cell phone telling them who and what to be. Predators know how to hunt out their pray!

Oh - the addictions we have created without realizing it and it is hurting our children.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

JF, thanks for the words of wisdom. Some of my lady friends suggest it is too much effort to "raise up" another man, and are thus happy to stay single.😊

Nonetheless, given the state of affairs and flood of undocumented and dangerous people into our country, it behooves society to protect those who are most vulnerable to predators.

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Jun 29Liked by Tuco's Child

Yes your lady friends are probably right, I never wanted to "raise up" a man to start with, and was lucky I didn't have too, his parents did a great job!!!

You are right about the undocumented dangerous people, it would be nice to have someone help with protection. Country living certainly gives one a little more distance from the madding crowd, but also leaves us a single target.

Guess I'll have to go to the gun range more with my 45 and shotgun! I am told my shotgun doesn't make the right sound... you'll probably understand what that means! Apparently that noise is enough to move people on!

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Jun 29Liked by Tuco's Child

Amen. The trans/queer movement is literally destroying lives. Young people subjected to this evil are having surgical procedures and taking medicines (like puberty blockers) that destroy their abilities to have children and families when they get older. If you look at the data, many of these people regret what they have done to themselves and much of it is irreversible. IMHO this is a psychiatric disorder requiring psychotherapy. We must protect our children from this deviant trans/queer movement.

This movement is part of the Marxist revolution trying to sow chaos and burn down "the system".

You know, gotta help queer people cuz they are oppressed. Sick!!

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There are many areas where we agree my friend, this not one of them. We need to support our women to become whatever they want, not impose "protections" they don't want. As I have said before, I do not support the goals of project 2025 or the right wing evangelist movement. We will always agree on the effing ridiculous environmental policies coming out of the far left.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

Given the state of today's society, why not give extra protection to those who are more vulnerable?

Witness the flood of undocumented illegals and the recent killings and rapes of innocent US citizens.

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I think my issue is one person's protection is another person's prison. The women of our society are a lot stronger than we give them credit. If they want these protections, they will ask. Unfortunately I only see men telling women they need to be protected. That's not protection, that's control, from my little windows on the world. TC it's not my place to tell you what to think, but we do enjoy the freedom to speak our thoughts, and that is to be celebrated.

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This post is simplistic and romantic.

I agree with Kilovar and Dave, you are both right.

Taco and the Woke Left both misunderstand gender differences. Taco wants to pigeonhole women and the Woke deny the existence of sexual differences.

Women are our partners, not children.

At the risk of overgeneralizing, the male force (left brain dominant), is more focused on the physical world, the technical, on action, physical aggression. The female force (right brain) , has a broader view, considers more options, is more cautious, has a deeper appreciation of relationships.

We are well served to respect and support our female partners and friends. Some are Amazons, others more cautious, but an acceptance of the broad expression of gender will help in the fight to crush the gender transition movement and limit the suffering and child abuse, the anxiety and confusion in our Western young people.

Yes, women sometimes are threatened by the rare male sociopath, but that does not mean that they need to be infantilized.

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Jun 29·edited Jul 2Author

My discussions with women, including my daughter, indicates that harassment is common and that they must keep a watchful eye.

Unfortunately, there are many troubled people in this world that prey on the weak, including the recent influx of illegal immigrants. This has been exacerbated by social media and the Internet.

Let us all support femininity and CCW.

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Jun 29Liked by Tuco's Child


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Just to add this thought to the conversation. We have all seen American Sniper and understand the function of an "overwatch". Outwardly an overwatch Sniper and a prison guard in a tower look very much the same, but the job they do could not be any more different

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