I enjoy reading you and Robert Bryce on energy issues. I am a 64 yo practicing anesthesiologist. I discuss these issues with anyone that will listen. Even among my many conservative friends, very few are familiar with Substack. They are too busy playing golf. I do my best to spread the word, and again, I much appreciate all your presentations.

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Education coupled with entertainment can be a powerful tool for opening eyes and minds.

We can make a difference.

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Thank you for this excellent presentation. In exposing the realities of dirty green energy, we can only hope that a duped population will gradually see the data and realize this green energy push is a de- growth power play by leftists to control your life and lower your standard of living, and has nothing to do with a cleaner earth. Wake up people!

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Thank you for the kind comment and your erudite and accurate perspectives.

Please spread the word and restack if you like.

I am a retired chemist and do this for fun and sharing in a "pulp non-fiction" format for easier digestion.

My Best,


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Thanks for the fresh meat.

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It's a target rich environment.

Please restack and refer.

Appreciate it!

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