TC, thank you for updating your important article. Californians for Green Nuclear Power appreciates your acknowledgment of the link CGNP provided in your updated article. A notable group promoting the abolition of nuclear power is the Heinrich Böll Foundation [The Heinrich Böll Foundation (hbs) receives German taxpayer funded subsidies. The hbs has offices in the West Bank of Palestine, Moscow, Russia; Beijing, China and Washington, DC. Many of the policies of the hbs are socialist policies. ]

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Jun 10Liked by Tuco's Child

They're still a drop in a very large bucket. Over 700 anti-nuclear ENGOs in the USA alone, with annual revenue in the $billions. The Big Money is coming from the Malthusian Bankster Cult. They are strong proponents of Scarcity Economics. Nuclear is the archenemy of Scarcity, energy being the ONLY key resource.

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See: "The Anti-Industry Industry - What the media won’t tell you about the $4.5 billion-per-year NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex," February 18, 2023, by Robert Bryce.

https://robertbryce.substack.com/p/the-anti-industry-industry Robert has updated his important article.

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700. Huge number, 😲

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Tuco's Child

At least Putin acts for the benefit of his own nation. That's a whole lot more than you can say about 90% of the federal Republican politicians and 100% of the Democrat politicians. More or less true since JFK. These sleazoids are solely interested in padding the pockets of themselves, their own families and their donor/owners. And could care less about the American people. Corrupt Globalitarian sycophants, who are quite happy to kill us.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Author

Agreed. The US Gov and current administration is doing our very own self-immolation job on the behalf of Russia and China; while they watch in amusment and applaud.

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I believe he has also been funding the naive twits at Seirra Club, WWF, Greenpeace etc. to continue their hysterical push for renewables, batteries (sic!) and EV's in the entirety of europe (sans Hungary) including both deaf and dumb UK parties?

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Thanks for stoppping by William - the Global Chess Master has probably done what you suggest!

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Jun 8Liked by Tuco's Child

That's true, but the fact is Russia is a minor player in the mercenary ENGO funding industrial complex. This is mostly a free-for-all of $billionaires & Bankster $trillionaires using tax-free dollars to advance a deindustrialization agenda in the West. 10's of $billions in annual funding.

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Jun 8Liked by Tuco's Child

Great work - so much to read and back fill this article - thanks for the European corruption notes! Probably not as bad as Ukrainian corruption, but a close second!!! We are sitting in the stupid seat in the back, not far behind them, but we are still there!

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Author

Thanks JF- Putin does corruption so much better than the Bidens!

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Superb work, TC!

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I salute you accross the ethers Sir 🫡

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That’s a bushel basket of EU facts, TC. Will the new EU elections stop their self-destruction?

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Old Europe needs alot of saving, hopefully these elections will make a difference. Godspeed.

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Jun 9Liked by Tuco's Child

They all in on it together. A global reset was stated with Covid … one world government.. the rest is a horrible show until it’s all rolled out

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I read re Putin pouring in money through perhaps CFACT, CEI or WUWT BEFORE the Ukraine war started. I believe he did it - simple to set up false accounts to pour funds into NGO's aimed at banning Fossil Fuels and Nuclear. What did he have to lose? Don't hold these ruthless bastards to any first world moral codes!

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Author

Evil genius he is.

We of course do the same, but in a different underhanded style, which is looking more and more lame and inept.

We also kept prodding the bear.

Now we gotta war = $$$ destroy + $$$ rebuild and the cycle continues. But we also got Sweden and Finland and soon NZ in NATO. Whata deal.

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Jun 8Liked by Tuco's Child

Note that the Ruling Overlords in Europe/NATO/USSA are having a hissyfit because the nation of Georgia is demanding NGOs (No Good Organizations) with more than 20% foreign funding must be transparent about that. So this is what the EU commissioner threatened:

"...Even more concerning, today, the Prime Minister [of Georgia] alleged that an EU Commissioner tried to blackmail him over the adoption of the new law. It was claimed that the European Commissioner had “listed a number of measures, which Western politicians could take if the presidential veto on the transparency law is overridden,” Kobakhidze wrote on social media. In what Kobakhidze called a “horrific threat,” the EU official in question had referenced a recent assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, and told him to “be very careful.” ..."


Fortunately the Georgian parliament overrode the corrupt President's veto. And then there was highly organized protests, undoubtedly another CIA color revolution effort to enforce obedience by all governments. And we all know how much the CIA just loves to use NGO's to do its dirty work. Too bad they have zero interest in protecting the Republic, in fact just the opposite.

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My head is spinning from the subterfuge and politics, coupled with the dismantling of USA power.

Thanks for the link, I became a subscriber.

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“the Inconvenient Skeptic”

John Kehr

Chapters 11 and 12 contain serious errors and misconceptions.

288 K – 255 K = 33 C cooler is rubbish.

Nobody agrees 288 K (390 W/m^2) is the GMST plus it was 15 C in 1896.

255 K (240 W/m^2) is the spherical ToA (not surface) equilibrium OLR with a 30% albedo not a GHE.

Without the “GHE” there is no 30% albedo and the equilibrium OLR becomes 278 K (342 W/m^2) 23 C warmer than the 30% case. (Q=UA(Thot-Tcold) and w 30% more Q GMST would also rise by 23 C to 311 K.)

The Earth is 23 C cooler (278-255, 311-288) with the atmosphere/water vapor/30% albedo not warmer.

396 upwelling LWIR is the BB calculation for a 16 C surface that fills the denominator of the emissivity ratio. (emissivity=radiation from system/radiation from system as BB at temp) This 396 up/333 “back”/duplicate 63 GHE radiative forcing loop is “extra”, not real and has no business even being on the GHE balance graphics.

And, no, it is not measured.

IR instruments do not measure flux directly. They are designed, fabricated and calibrated to deliver a relative, comparative, referenced temperature assuming the target is a black body. If the target is not a BB the operator is advised to paint it or tape it black to mimic such or insert the known emissivity. In the case of the K-T graphic: 63/396=0.16. SURFRAD & USCRN also do this wrong.

There is no such thing as “air flux.” This requires energy flow from cool to warm w/o work violating LoT 2. (page 229 “radiative fluxes” is LoT nonsense!)

This apparent cooling is actually produced by the kinetic heat transfer processes of the contiguous air molecules. (conduction+convection+advection+latent)

More kinetic action produces cooler temperatures and less radiation and less kinetic action produces higher temperatures and more radiation.

Temperature is a function of the kinetic processes, radiation is a function of temperature, radiation is a function (inverse) of the kinetic processes.

The kinetic and radiative heat transfer processes are inversely joined at the hip as demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.


There is no GHE, no GHG warming and no CAGW.

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