If you have any doubt to the validity of this article, go to the Indy 500. It's great fun and you will enjoy your day, people watching is half the entertainment. However at the end of the race, you, your cloths, your stuff, will all be covered with a very fine black/brown dust. That is tire dust my friends. If you have ever worked on a heavy truck, it's everywhere.

Seems like a good time to head to a road course and use up another set of Michelin Sport Cup 2s, and make some tire dust.

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Racing: turn a pile of cash into heat, friction, and tire dust.

Enjoy while you can!

Those Cup tires are great, I can relate.


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I still find all of this about tires fascinating. As is the fact that the effect of tires is never reported in the media. Why is that? Must be that it would divert attention from the leftist/Marxist/communist green agenda. Reporting on tire pollution does nothing to promote the end of fossil fuels. We need to transition to wooden tires !!

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