Mar 2, 2023Liked by Tuco's Child

These heavy/extra heavy crudes are blended with lighter crudes and fed to the distillation tower. The Venezuelan crudes are very high in heavy metals and sulfur content. The heavy metals will end up in the delayed coker product solids and sulfur will end up as feed to the sulfur plant and end up as powders sulfur. The solids products will be landfilled since the coke can't be burned and there is an excess of sulfur for production of Sulfuric Acid.

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Thanks for the info, the process and chemistry is interesting !

Question raised: why give a Marxist Government business and import low quality oil when we can produce and/or import higher quality oil and not have to deal with the contaminants?

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Tuco's Child

Your question is part of an economic solution. The Marxist/Communist Biden administration is dead set on killing the Petroleum/Petrochemical industry in the USA to satisfy the far left Marxist/Communist part of the Democrat Party's agenda. The UN's Agenda 230 is the goal.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023Author

It appears from the sidelines that the CCP is orchestrating the dismantling and weakening of most if not all of the positive aspects of our society in collaboration with the Biden Administration.

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