Mar 24Liked by Tuco's Child

You forgot to mention the permanent closing of large parts of northern Arizona to uranium exploration and mining with the creation of the new National Monument there by the Biden Administration. Haaland's own Department of Interior previously identified this particular part of the US as containing most of the underground mineable uranium resources of the country. Don't worry, be happy.

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Mar 23Liked by Tuco's Child

Tucoschild exposes how American Economy will collapse by shining light on Sec of Interior, Deb Haaland

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Mar 24Liked by Tuco's Child

Sad to say, putting totally unqualified people in charge of science & tech related sectors is the rule, not the exception, in modern globalist, neoliberal run nations. The Globalitarian Misanthropists, The Financial Elites, who run the West, want toadies who are easy to control & manipulate to implement their Malthusian Agenda, not anyone who will question idiotic policy.

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We used to have an old saying in the Army. F*k up, move up. While I am not sure this applies here, as Deb was just seemingly picked at random from a group of completely unqualified but DEI perfect individuals. Just another lawyer that served one term in congress, But, she checks all the blocks. Democrat, Female, Native, Lawyer. With no skills in energy at all or land management. But great at wasting money. https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/biden-harris-administration-announces-72-million-presidents-investing-america-agenda

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Mar 24Liked by Tuco's Child

Just need to say this: There is no incompetence at the top, there is intention.

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Although Haaland was the first incompetent indigenous person to serve as a cabinet officer, Bill Cliton started the ball rolling when he appointed Ada Deer to head the Bureau of Indian Affairs. My grandmother Phebe Lookaround married Angus Franklin Lookaround after my grandfather died. Gus was 3/8 Scottish and 5/8 Menominee. She lived with Gus on the Menominee reservation at Keshena, WI. She was active in minority civil rights long before the topic had a name, but advocating only for equal rights and equal treatment, not subsidies and special treatment. She knew Ada Deer quite well, and had no respect for her. But don't be deceived by the low quality of minority appointments by Democrats. There are plenty of brilliant and truthful people of all colors who are just too honest to scam the rest of us.

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Mar 30Liked by Tuco's Child

Just another loser Biden diversity hire.

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Mar 25Liked by Tuco's Child

Total incompetence with haalund. Like most of the biden administration!

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Hello Van,

Thank you for the note, agreed! I only want the best person for the job.

"Bill Cliton" is that a typo or pun ?

If it is a typo, please don't correct!

My best,


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