Jun 22Liked by Tuco's Child

Does this surprise anyone? The govt., drug companies don't care about us. They get rich keeping us sick and do what they can to kill us off, too.

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I really don’t want any of those entities to give 2 💩💩 about me! We must take responsibility for our own wellbeing. Yes… this is my generation as well. But I prefer to only engage with Pharma or Government as a last resort.

And as a reminder… should one decline Medicare coverage one also forfeits any and all SS dollars. None of it’s there to help!

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Milk it while you can before it is all given away to the illegals!😖🤷

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Jun 22Liked by Tuco's Child

Thank you for sharing this - the more we learn the more corruption seems to abound.

Being a senior myself, on a fixed income, I can understand this and what it means.

Illness is what devastates many older people and bankrupts so many of us. I have almost been there myself, with the cost of drugs and medical care costing more than we brought in monthly, and we were in better shape than most. Any of us could be there relatively quickly.

But the thought that the savings is actually going to the rich and people who can well afford to virtue signal is disgusting. Seems this government, who was supposed to be for the people, is only after all our money, then flush us out the other end... eventually into little green pills! Just wait won't be long in the meantime servitude!

Now you have depressed me - I'm heading to the nursery, with all that excess income, to buy some flowers to brighten up my day!!!

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Thanks for stopping by JF!

Here are some virtual flowers, well deserved💐

Keep up the good work.

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Jun 22Liked by Tuco's Child

flowers appreciated... no work involved - mine will need work and planting...manayana... manyana...

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Pay their fair share, huh? Unfortunately the United States suffers from the law of large numbers, it's to the point now where it is more profitable-an easier-to get congress to pass laws to get paid. Elon Musk entire businesses are only successful because of federal and state government largess. Special interest won again.

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Elon was very smart early on and took great advantage.

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And everything we are seeing the break of society, inequalities, homeless, debt, the spending, largess, and the corruption are the symptoms which too many people focus on which continues the cycle.

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More great info from TC!

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Jun 23Liked by Tuco's Child

Thank you for bringing this out. This is the kind of thing we get with complicated bills that are thousands of pages full of legalese. But they "have to pass it to see what's in it". I didn't know medicare funds could be stolen like this from the poor seniors only to be given to the rich Tesla driving elites.

It's hard to believe medicare is costing 1 Trillion this year - is that a typo? Total government receipts for fiscal '25 are only projected to be 5.49 Trillion. Total US military expenditures for '23 were 0.823 Trillion.

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And...this surprises who?

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Jun 23Liked by Tuco's Child

We were fed a Ponzi scheme of a trust fund being an actual government slush fund all our lives.

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With corrupt policies like this, I'm not surprised with the increasing number of news stories regarding Medicare's incipient insolvency.

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