Kind of like China producing products, then shipping those products to Vietnam, where they are labeled, Made in Vietnam, so other countries will buy them.

This info that you present here should be plastered on our faces by the media. But the media is an agent of the state. It’s up to all of us to know what our nefarious government does. If for no reason to protect your children.

And the EU is a disgraceful socialist entity. Every time one of our socialists says they wasn’t to emulate the EU I cringe in a major way.

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Please restack and spread the word friend.



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Great article - thank you. Yes these countries will sell, no matter what.. always have, sanctions or not. Oil is the new drug. It's sad that we just don't seem to care and buy it anyway. We could refill the SPR, which we should not have depleted in the first place, from our own oil, but why support our own economy?

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From cradle to grave, we are burning fuel to create order from apparent disorder

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