Great article - indeed lots of meat.

This issue is so far from new but somehow seems to get pushed under the rug constantly! Glad you are bringing it up.

The renewables industry has evaded the question (NREL) with just a few studies and nothing that you could take to the bank. Still the investors only see the up front money and never the end game - which leads you to believe the solar companies will not want to address it either.

I'm not much of an optimist on their behavior as you are. Been in the trenches with them too long. With the interconnection list on ERCOT at present there will be over 500 Million solar panels in Texas alone in the next 10-15 years. (I don't like the tons figures - because I just can't picture what a ton of solar panels looks like - but I can picture 1/2 Billion of them!) This does not include rooftop, or already installed operating capacity. We have had numerous hail storms damage panels - 400,000 alone in Midway a few years ago - but no one can answer the question of what happened to them. TCEQ was never notified, and I sure there was leaching. The insurance companies are the only ones who stood up and paid attention! Cost them!

Like you I'd love to think they could be recycled , but look what happened to the wind turbines, and the recycle facilities have not been up to the task. The renewable industry doesn't make enough money without subsidies so they won't be the responsible adults in the room.

You made some very good points and the industry is running away from this issue and I think no matter how we legislate it will still not make a difference. The government and the industry is in a "get it in at what ever cost and get it done" mode and all the screaming about climate change is their excuse to make a buck and run!

Solar graveyards all across Texas - the counties will end up owning a lot of them! Solar corporations will sue the counties for the tax bills (already happening) they don't want to pay and then it will end up falling on the land owner, when they can't pay the tax bills either, then it will fall on the county when they have to repossess them for none payment. Most don't see that coming. So back to the taxpayer....

I'm sure there may be some good actors in the solar industry - but I haven't see that or any of my friends across the state who are dealing with them.

Thank for you article - I have shared it on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/erathcountystopsolarfarmshere

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Thank you JF - in our previous discussions you had tipped me off about the hail losses. This is a very interesting subject, the fate and actual costs. I am going to edit the article and include your numbers!

thank you for restacks and spreading the word.

My Best,


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Thank you for reporting. Will not see this story on con or msnbc anytime soon. Government subsidies, crony capitalism. Socialists throwing the free market system right down the crapper.

Another example in today's news feed of government run amok with DIRTY green energy.


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Dave, good link, thanks.

It is an outrage that most of the USA, now middle to lower class, bustin ass at some job, is getting money pulled out of their paychecks to subsidize the upper classes, the only demographic that can really afford an EV

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SGDE here in San Diego made sure to jack up the rates for natural gas last winter to screw over all of us who still have gas furnaces. My “true up” electric bill usually runs at -$900 thanks for my solar panels, not that I ever see any of that money or get a refund from them. And they won’t apply that credit toward the gas bill. Recently had a contractor tell me that new solar installs in the area are mandating a battery storage unit in the garage...with a mandatory new smoke alarm in the garage in case the electric battery storage unit catches on fire. 🙄🙄. Glad I didn’t have to get that installed.

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Modern Day Economic VooDoo Shell Game, with more taxes on the horizon !

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Lots of meat here, TC!

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Thank you Thomas!

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New content re. hazardous waste :

In one example, high efficiency USA built First Solar (FSLR) thin film solar panels contain highly toxic cadmium and tellurium, therefore FSLR panels are deemed to be hazardous waste in most states. Because of this, FSLR is forced to recycle these panels to protect the environment and people’s health and protect themselves from a great deal of liability.

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Thanks for the include!

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