Not suprising given the wind resources in China are in the western provinces and the population and manfucaturing infrastructres are in the east. We can also review curtailments in 2021, the national average wind curtailment rate was 3.1% and the solar curtailment rate was 1.8%. This varies regionally, and while the overall renewable power consumption conditions have been improved in these provinces mainly due to the tight power supply and high coal cost in the second of 2021. Which will should reverse given the CCP commitment to energy security proven by the coal capicty increase, recorded coal production, & record coal import. Situation should revert back to the mean.

file:///C:/Users/Security/Downloads/download%20wind.webp copy and paste

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Excellent post, things are linked together, to believe we can divide live into a clean section and a dirty one should be over after growing and finally leave the "kindergarten"

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