Putin's KGB Masterstroke: Fracking Banned in Europe Despite Massive Reserves
Europe has more recoverable shale gas than the U.S.
Europe could use some good 'ol hydrocarbons liberated from shale right about now, especially in Germany, where they are restarting coal and nuclear plants, and burning wood pellets from old growth forests in Europe and new growth USA resources to stay warm and power their economy.
Fracking is a very important source of hydrocarbons worldwide and is a very important part of our national energy security. In Europe, fracking is getting a second look because of the energy crisis brought on ironically by Putinโs invasion of Ukraine. Given the above, Europe has significant fracking resources or shale deposits depending on the country, and overall, Europe may have more potential shale hydrocarbon resources than the USA.
EIA World Shale Resource Assessments
Unfortunately, it is generally more difficult to harvest hydrocarbons from shale in Europe vs. the wide open spaces in the USA. This is because of land ownership boundaries, mineral rights and regulations, and perhaps most importantly, the coordinated anti-fracking environmental groups. Many countries have banned fracking in Europe as a result of Green Lobbying. In yet another irony, Ukraine possesses has a lions-share of shale deposits in Europe. Perhaps # 3 in Europe.
Connecting the dots, Ukraine natural gas and rest of Europe shale resources could put a dent in Putin's natural gas sales
Russiaโs silent shale gas victory in Ukraine
So what is the leading cause of the Banned Fracking in Europe?
For the last 15 years or so, KGB puppet master Putin and Gazprom, in cahoots with perhaps the most corrupt official in modern German history, Gerhard Schroeder, who now sits on the Gazprom board, conducted a well funded campaign to co-opt European energy policy and bring Germany within the sphere of Putin's influence.
The KGB Putin Operation
For many years the Russian Government and Gazprom have been surreptitiously funding the German Green Movement(s) and have formed fake environmental organizations to promote natural gas and ban nuclear and fracking. They have funded and promoted politicians and organizations who were pro Nordstream and anti nuclear and fracking. But the Russianโs greatest coup was having in office Schroeder and then Merkel, both pro-Russia natural gas. Further note that Merkel was born in East Germany and speaks fluent Russian.
License to Kill (add Polonium)
My Bro Gerhard $
I Love You Angela, especially because you speak fluent Russian.
Here are few tasty articles to get you started, the literature is quite large:
Russiaโs Financial Support for Anti-Fracking Groups Is No Coincidence
Is Russia Funding Europe's Anti-fracking Green Protests?
Why Putin's Pal, Germany's Ex-Chancellor Schroeder, Isn't On A Sanctions List
Fossil fools: How Germanyโs fear of nuclear power put Putin in charge of Europe
Shale gas and other unconventional hydrocarbons: The EU helps ensure proper environmental safeguards in the extraction of shale gas.
European Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment (EUOGA): Overview of the current status and development of shale gas and shale oil in Europe
Chevron pulled out of Ukraine in 2016. They blamed taxation changes but fighting in the East was the real reason. There is zero chance that a major will return to Ukraine in the foreseeable future.
Tuco's Child: Thank you for your insightful analysis from almost 1 1/2 years ago. For some updates regarding your important article, please see this April 28, 2024 article, "Top German Greens officials accused of deception in nuclear phase-out advice."
Additional details are found in this May 12, 2024 article, "CGNP's Opposition to the WWGPI" https://greennuke.substack.com/p/cgnps-opposition-to-the-wwgpi
The last half of CGNP's 31-page-long filing consists of additional sources critical of the pro-Russian German Green anti-nuclear power advocacy.